News | Fri, Jun 18, 2021

SUZUKI Yasuhiro Quantum Apples

Inter+Play is the Towada Art Center’s ongoing three-part exhibition spanning two years from its opening on July 23, 2020. SUZUKI Yasuhiro’s work Quantum Apples will be on display throughout the entire two-year period. Suzuki has designed Quantum Apples with tree rings that resemble ripples in water, and he reimagines the top of a stump as a pool of water that reflects its surroundings in a mirror-like fashion. Up until now, seven stacked apples—each bigger than the other—represented an afterimage effect of an apple falling from the sky to the water’s surface.

As we begin the second part of Inter+Play on June 22, 2021, these seven apples will become one for a limited time only. Suzuki has superimposed the time axis of the exhibition onto that of the apples for this half of the exhibition, leaving a single apple at the water’s surface, with no explanation of how it arrived there.

How did this single apple arrive at the stump? Where could it have fallen from? Where did its afterimages go? Could they be locked away inside the apple itself?

Let your imagination run wild as you appreciate Suzuki’s work in a new light.

Arts Towada 10th Anniversary Exhibition: Inter+Play Season 1
Arts Towada 10th Anniversary Exhibition: Inter+Play Season 2
Arts Towada 10th Anniversary Exhibition: Inter+Play Season 3

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Towada Art Center Reopening Thursday, April 12, 2022

The Towada Art Center will reopen as of Tuesday, April 12, following a temporary closure from Saturday, January 22, to Sunday, April 11, to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Date of Reopening
Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Our reopening will coincide with the opening of Arts Towada 10th Anniversary Exhibition: Inter+Play Season 3, originally scheduled for January 22.

Arts Towada 10th Anniversary Exhibition: Inter+Play Season 3
Tuesday, April 12, 2022 – Sunday, May 29, 2022

Changes to previously scheduled events are as follows.

– Behaviour Problem Trio performances have been rescheduled for Saturday, May 14, and Sunday, May 15.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused to those who planned to visit the Towada Art Center during the temporary closure period.
The Towada Art Center remains committed to ensuring measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
We appreciate your understanding and look forward to welcoming you back soon.

Wed, Sep 29, 2021

Reopening of the Towada Art Center

The Towada Art Center has reopened as of October 1, 2021, after its closure in September to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. We apologize for any inconvenience caused to those who planned to visit the museum while we were closed in September, and we would like to let our visitors know that we are committed to ensuring measures to prevent infection. We look forward to welcoming you back.

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