Permanent Collection

Bridge of Light

Ana Laura ALÁEZ

Artwork Details

 Bridge of Light resembles a hexagonal pedestal that has fallen on its side, revealing a hollow interior that could be construed as either a tunnel or a human body in repose. Geometric in shape, the sculpture functions as an open passage that allows the viewer to observe the work both inside and out. The sculpture’s invitation to step inside, aided by soft, ambient music, transforms the relationship between the audience and the work and subverts our traditional image of what sculpture should be.
 What is sculpture? This is the question posed by Bridge of Light, and it is one that Ana Laura Aláez has been asking since the very beginning of her career. While extremely artistic in theme, it also challenges traditionally masculine images of strength, firmness, and rugged physicality, which are characteristics not only demanded of individuals by society but also typically valued in sculpture.
 This attempt to dismantle such stereotypical concepts can be seen as Aláez advocating for what she may interpret as an ideal society.

Photo : Oyamada Kuniya



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Permanent Collection

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